The Beeswax and Vegan Controversy

I have been doing a lot of research on beeswax.  Some consider it not vegan and some do. Here is the scoop:  According to Peta many large bee farms treat their Queens inhumanely and take honey away when the bees desperately need it to survive the winter months.
Beeswax is a byproduct of the bees, they are not killed for their beeswax.  There are alternatives, however the most desired ones are made from palm trees.  So I have made an executive decision that here at Thistle Hill Botanicals we would rather use a totally natural and sustainable product rather than contribute to the destruction of the rainforests which is where palm oils and waxes mostly originate from.

Our beeswax comes from a small apiary that educates other beekeepers in the region on proper and sustainable beekeeping.  Our beeswax comes from happy bees that are well cared for and treated with respect.  Beeswax is used in small amounts in some not all of our products.  Let us know if you have any questions.